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How long does scalp micropigmentation last?

Scalp micropigmentation in Chicago is a permanent solution for hair loss. Most clients that avail of this treatment across the world are men. This solution corrects an individual’s hair loss and restores confidence to make him enjoy life again and get rid of any insecure feeling. 

For a broad estimate, an excellent scalp micropigmentation in Chicago can last anywhere from 6 to 7 years, provided that the hair tattoo was completed with utmost care and precision. However, the longevity of a hairline tattoo in Chicago varies per individual. Essentially, long hours of exposure to UV rays or sunlight significantly shortens the lifespan of any hair loss treatment and increases its chances of fading even before the 6 to 7 years of estimated lifespan. 

How long a scalp hair micropigmentation lasts also depends on the client himself. Factors such as lifestyle, immune system, and preference may also affect a hair loss treatment’s longevity. If you don’t mind a little fading, your micropigmentation can last for 5 to 7 years. However, if you want regular touch-ups to maintain the texture of the treatment, then you will need more frequent visits to your micropigmentation artist.

Any scalp hair micropigmentation in Chicago consists of an intricate procedure. It may also be costly depending on the quality and finish you like, and of course on the clinic that will be performing the treatment. Thus, micropigmentation specialists make it a point to inform clients of their responsibilities in maintaining the quality of the treatment. This is done with proper aftercare, which includes moisturizing daily, wearing sunscreen, protecting the scalp with a hat when heading out on a sunny day, and avoiding scalp exposure to harsh chemicals. 

By practicing these simple but essential steps, you can prolong the quality of your scalp micropigmentation in Chicago, save time and expenses on frequent touch-ups, and get the best value for your money in the long run. It takes a professional team of specialists to achieve a rich look. For the best hair loss treatment in the Chicago area, choose OM Spa. Visit our website at omscalpmicropigmentation.com for more information.

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