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Why scalp micropigmentation might be a better option than an actual hair transplant?

If you are looking for the best hair loss treatment Chicago, you might have stumbled upon many different options. Wondering what makes scalp micropigmentation a better choice than hair transplants? Here is the answer:

In many cases, a non-invasive SMP procedure is easier and faster compared to a hair transplant. The reason is that with hair transplants, you will usually undergo multiple procedures that will cost you both a lot of money, including the aftercare process.

How long these procedures require is also unsure. SMP might require multiple treatments too, but each session only takes no longer than 3 hours. Meanwhile, a hair transplant procedure takes around 8 to 10 hours, not to mention that you also need 24 hours to recover.

Lastly, SMP procedures are less painful and convenient compared to a hair transplant Chicago has to offer. Hair transplant procedures are usually painless, but you are likely to suffer from annoying itches for several days. SMP procedures, on the other hand, only impose a mild discomfort for only a few days.

What Are the Main Benefits of Pigmentation?

If you’re wondering about the advantages of scalp hair micropigmentation Chicago, here is a rundown of the things we found:

First, SMP does what it says it will. Unlike some medications claiming its fantastic hair growth effect, hair micropigmentation is a process where pigment is applied to the scalp. The outcome is exactly how you imagined it to be.

Second, this procedure is a less expensive option compared to hair transplants.

Lastly, the results you get speak for themselves. Hairline microblading or scalp micropigmentation looks realistic compared to the traditional hair transplant. For people who want to look ageless, making your hair look healthier through this beauty innovation is the answer.




Is Scalp Micropigmentation Chicago Painful? What Determinates the Level of Pain?

As scalp, hairline, and beard micro-pigmentation gains more popularity with successful results and excellent customer satisfaction, Om Spa Chicago can answer all your questions and concerns you may have about this popular procedure.

One of the first questions Om Spa clients have about hair tattoo Chicago is whether it is painful or not. The good news is that the pain is minimal, it is not as painful as having a traditional tattoo. 

What factors affect the level of pain?

Each person is different, and so is their reaction to micro-pigmentation, microblading, and tattoo procedures:

Pain threshold.

Each client will experience a different amount of discomfort or pain. Personal tolerance to pain differs from person to person. Some people can find it painful, whereas others will merely feel a bit uncomfortable. This is entirely natural.

State of the client.

Being nervous or jittery about these procedures is common and can affect your level of pain tolerance. So making an effort to relax and be calm is helpful. A distraction such as reading a book or listening to music can be extremely worthwhile.

Area to be treated

Hairline microblading Chicago can tend to be a little more sensitive as the skin around your temples, front of the skull, and above your ears are more susceptible to pain stimuli. Just like different parts of your body can experience a lower or higher pain threshold than other areas.

Suppose you are a bit nervous about how much pain you will experience during your facial or scalp micropigmentation Chicago. In that case, you can ask your doctor or pharmacist for a pain reliever to control or reduce the pain. Prescription medication such as codeine or Percoset has good results, but commonly used non-prescription drugs such as ibuprofen can work just as well.

Here at Om Spa Chicago, we do our best to make our clients comfortable and relaxed. Services such as hair loss treatments, scalp and beard micropigmentation, and hairline tattoos are all possible with a low level of discomfort. Still, they produce positive outcomes for clients who feel better about themselves and their looks. 



The Definition of Hairline and What Is Considered as a Good/Bad Hairline?

A hairline is an area where hair begins to grow on your head, usually above your forehead. Everybody’s hairline is different and is affected by the shape of your face, your weight, the type of hair you have, and your genetics. A hairline plays a dramatic part in your overall good looks, and as people age, your hairline may change. This is especially true for men but affects many women too. Hairlines are passed down genetically from your parents. You can check your parent’s and your children’s hairlines to check for similarities. Diet, hormones, and lifestyle all play a role in defining your hairline.

What is considered a good hairline?

For men, a U-shaped headline is typical and is generally 6 to 8 cm above the eyebrow. For women, a hairline 5 to 6 cm above the eyebrow is common. A widow’s peak is more common in women but can be found in men too. A good hairline does not make your forehead look too big or too small and gives your hairdresser a more manageable time styling your hair.

What is considered a bad hairline?

A hairline that begins high up on your forehead can indicate an early sign of baldness in the case of men and women. Hormones, genetics, stress, and lifestyle habits all can contribute to a receding hairline and hair loss. Book a consultation with us and we will suggest what hair loss treatment Chicago might help. Get back to looking beautiful once again.  



How choose the best clinic for scalp micropigmentation?

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is essentially a professional hair tattoo that will help to cover up balding, hair loss, receding hairlines, and even scarring. If performed properly, hair micropigmentation will give you the natural look of a closely shaved head. That being said, before you go ahead with scalp micropigmentation Chicago, you should do your research to make sure you are choosing a professional and quality clinic. So, what should you look for when defining a good clinic for scalp hair micropigmentation Chicago? 

A clinic for hair micropigmentation Chicago residents can trust will have: 

  • Trained and certified staff and physicians
  • Modern and top-quality equipment
  • High-quality and organic inks that are safer to use 
  • Good communication of the process and after-treatment advice
  • Great client reviews

These factors all together make a quality clinic for your SMP treatment, whether it be for services in beard micropigmentation, hairline tattoos or hair tattoo Chicago. You want to be sure that microblading your scalp is a pleasant experience, with a great result, and proper research will make sure you go to a clinic that will give you just that. 

Whether it is your first time, you already have a micropigmentation job and it needs a touch up, or you need a poor quality job removed and redone, make sure you research your SMP thoroughly before hiring their scalp micropigmentation Chicago services.

Is it necessary to take time off work after my scalp micropigmentation treatment?

Scalp micropigmentation is a relatively simple, non-invasive procedure.  Many people return to work immediately although some wait a few days for any possible redness to dissipate.  This hair tattoo application involves the insertion of tiny deposits of pigment into the uppermost layers of skin.  It is important to take proper care of the scalp after the treatment but this does not directly translate to missing work days.

 Several issues must be avoided for appropriate scalp care and proper healing for ten days after a scalp hair micropigmentation treatment.  You should try your best to touch your scalp as little as possible (as tempting as it may be with the glorious results).  You should not expose your scalp to direct sunlight.  You should definitely avoid any irritating shampoos or chemicals on the scalp. Although the discomfort is more similar to a sunburn than an injury, it is best to treat the scalp like an open wound in the days following the hairline tattoo treatment.  If cared for properly, you should expect quick and relatively painless healing.

 Many hair replacement procedures can be invasive and painful.  For example, hair transplants, which are meant to regrow hair, are considerably expensive and require local anesthesia.  At times, this surgical procedure requires stitches and sedation.  Instead of simply depositing pigmentation, the most common method of hair transplantation actually involves removing skin strips of existing hair follicles, grafting them, then transplanting them to areas of scalp with less hair. The bandage may be left on for seven to ten days after a Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT), requiring a person to miss a considerable amount of work. 

 Comparatively speaking, many people return to work immediately after their scalp micropigmentation procedure or potentially in 2 to 3 days depending on appearance and soreness. If you are not looking to attempt growing longer hairstyles, scalp hair micropigmentation provides a buzz cut look in a significantly more affordable and less-invasive manner.  A hair tattoo is generally a better choice when considering downtime, expense, and results.  The easiest protective step after a scalp micropigmentation treatment is to wear a hat in order to protect from sunlight, prevent potential infections, and speed up healing.

 If you have been considering some form of hair replacement, check out scalp micropigmentation.  The recovery time, price, and comfort factors will likely lead you to this choice!


Scars after hair transplant – can scalp micropigmentation cover them?

Hair loss can be a difficult issue, however, hair transplant surgeries offer a way for people to regain a fuller head of hair. Unfortunately, transplant surgeries do leave scarring behind, and for those who like to keep their hair short, these scars can be obvious and unaesthetic, but there is a solution. 

There are 2 types of popular hair transplants in Chicago, Follicular Unit Transplantation – FUT and Follicular Unit Extraction – FUE. In FUT, a strip of hair is removed from an area with abundant hair and the follicles are donated to the bald regions, while in FUE each graft is removed one by one and transplanted. Though there are benefits and downsides to each, which your doctor should help you to understand, both will leave some scarring. 

Luckily, there is a relatively non-invasive way to help cover up these scars using scalp micropigmentation. Many people have heard of other facial micropigmentation, such as microblading to increase the apparent thickness for eyebrows, but did you know there is also microblading for your scalp right here in Chicago? 

Scalp repigmentation is essentially a hair tattoo, or hairline tattoo in Chicago, that can help camouflage scars resulting from a hair transplant surgery. Hair micropigmentation is a careful process of adding small dots across your head in bald areas, and blending them into the hair that remains, in order to mimic the look of a closely shaved, yet full, head of hair. 

Though scalp hair micropigmentation does not completely erase the scar, it has had very successful results in patients, where 90-95% of the scar is totally camouflaged, and the rest is only noticeable at certain angles, and surely only to those who already know that you have recently gotten a hair tattoo! After normally 2 sessions (no less than 2!), the scalp has the appearance of a full head of hair with a close shave, and then people who have undergone hair micropigmentation can choose their favorite hair style with confidence. 

The even better news is that it is not very painful, even less than a normal tattoo, and also less than the hair transplant surgery itself.  

OM SCALP Micropigmentation Chicago is your go to for scalp micropigmentation. We can help you with a scalp micropigmentation right here in Chicago, that will effectively hide your hair transplant scars and help you feel great in any hairstyle you choose.


What is the best hair loss treatment?

Both men and women experience hair loss for a variety of reasons, be it medical, stress-related, or a side effect of something else. But there are ways to combat hair loss that include scalp massage, essential oils, anti-thinning shampoos, multivitamins, and more.

Most of these either don’t work or offer very limited results that are not lasting. But one hair loss treatment stands out as the best method to get a full looking head of hair. Scalp micropigmentation Chicago is a primary hair loss treatment that is widely recognized as the best way to achieve the look you’re after.

What is Scalp Micropigmentation?
To put it in its simplest terms, when you go for hair micropigmentation Chicago, you are essentially getting a hair tattoo. This is a very special and unique type of tattoo that is specifically suited for the scalp to look like a natural head of hair.

This hair tattoo Chicago gives you the illusion of hair through a very detailed process. Your hair will never fall out, it can be washed like anyone else’s hair, and it will look completely natural.

How Does Scalp Hair Micropigmentation Chicago Work?
By tattooing tiny dots in different hues, the look of shadows is created on the scalp that helps to form depth and definition in a natural-looking way. These dots are blended seamlessly with your complexion to look like real hair with follicles, forming a clean hairline tattoo Chicago residents have come to love.

So when it comes to hair loss, there are a number of options to choose from as forms of treatment. But there is only one best hair loss treatment that truly offers the look of real hair, that’s scalp micropigmentation Chicago.


How long does hairline microblading last?

Hair micropigmentation, which involves embedding pigment into the skin, is a process that first became popular in semi-permanent hair tattoos and was used to greatly improve on the appearance of hair loss or thinning along the eyebrows. Now, it has gained rapid popularity as an option for hair loss along the hairline, crown or temples and can give an appearance of thicker tresses.

The goal of our company is to provide the hairline tattoo Chicago using techniques artfully blended to give customers the most natural-looking outcome, incorporating your existing hair in a seamless manner that leaves lasting results for as long as possible.

Several factors must be taken into consideration in order to know how long scalp micropigmentation results will last. Sun exposure which can lighten the initial color, skin type (dry vs oily), hair-cleansing routine (daily vs weekly washing), and other actions can cause an impact on the results, causing them to remain longer or for the pigment to leave the skin quicker.

Among experts, some claim scalp hair micropigmentation treatments last up to a year, although this can vary on each individual’s rate of skin shedding as well. Months later after the initial appointment, it is common for most establishments to offer touch up sessions or additional perfecting sessions in order to achieve the expected final look that each customer desires.

Both men and women are using our professional, comfortable setting to gain the proper care and space in order to take advantage of this minimally invasive treatment that handles any of your lingering insecurities or long-standing  corrections that you may need to areas such as a receding hairline or bald spots. Even large areas of the scalp can be treated with multiple sessions schedules to cover all the areas needed.

Do not hesitate to schedule your initial consultation, have your questions and concerns addressed by a professional, and take the necessary steps towards successfully completing your hair micropigmentation journey in a way that meets all your expectations.

How can I stop hair loss?

 Hair loss is a very common condition, with roughly two-thirds of all men experiencing the condition, as well as many women. And with so many ways to try to stop the problem, many of which don’t work, hair loss treatment in Chicago can be confusing and frustrating. Here is how you can handle your hair loss in the best ways possible, whether you are a man or a woman so that you can feel confident about your appearance once again.

Prescription Medications

There are a couple of prescriptions you can ask your doctor about for your hair loss treatment in Chicago. Finasteride and Minoxidil can work to stimulate blood flow and may even initiate new hair growth, but there may be side effects and results might not meet your expectations.

Laser Hair Comb

While it is not completely understood, the use of a laser hair comb three times per week may serve to reduce antioxidants in the hair follicles to significantly increase the hair density. Again, however, because it is not fully understood, it is difficult to say with great certainty that it can work for extreme cases.

Hair Transplant

Many people have had a hair transplant in Chicago. It is one sure way to achieve the look you want. By taking hair follicles from the back and sides of the head and implanting them into the scalp with enough hair to give the appearance of a full scalp. Hair growth can also be stimulated in those areas that are still growing for future transplants. Not everyone can afford the procedure as it can be quite costly.

Scalp Hair Micropigmentation

For a permanent solution that is affordable and can offer the appearance of a full head of hair in scalp micropigmentation in Chicago. This is by far the most reliable method for hair loss treatment in Chicago, which provides the look of real hair that is trimmed short on the scalp. There is no concern about getting it wet and touching the head, as the hair is tattooed to the scalp to achieve a natural look.

Trust your local professional with scalp hair micropigmentation in Chicago for the best way to regain that full hair look you want without any lasting side effects.

Do hairline tattoos hurt?

Most people don’t like feelings of pain or discomfort, so if you are considering a hair tattoo in Chicago, it can be a concern. There are certain factors to remember when speaking about pain and scalp micropigmentation in Chicago.

State of Mind Going into the Appointment
You may feel nervous or anxious about getting your scalp hair micropigmentation in Chicago, and that’s perfectly understandable. Remember that any discomfort felt is only temporary. Focus on the excitement of recreating your hairline and that can help calm your nerves.

Your Experience and Pain Threshold
You may have had a body tattoo done or maybe not, but you have certainly felt pain throughout your life and you have dealt with it in the past. Know that the needle size used for scalp micropigmentation in Chicago is much smaller than a standard tattoo needle and does not go as deep.

Any scalp surgeries you have had previously may cause some extra discomfort as those scarred areas can be more sensitive to pain.

Tattoo Size and the Session Duration
The area of your to be covered will determine the duration of your session. You may need multiple appointments to complete the hair tattoo as you would like it. The areas closer to your face may feel more sensitive and there are other areas of the scalp that may offer tingling sensations or the urge to sneeze.

How to Diminish the Discomfort and Pain
There are several ways to make the scalp hair micropigmentation session more comfortable and less painful:

  •       Avoid hunger and put your body at ease with a good meal prior to the session.
  •       Keep yourself hydrated before and during the appointment. That will allow you to take breaks as you need them.
  •       Focus on your breathing to distract you from what is happening.
  •       Use your mobile device to play music or even watch a good movie. This will occupy your mind.
  •       It’s alright to take breaks and walk around so you can reset and begin again.

Because pain is relative, you will feel something unique to you, but remember that any pain felt is fleeting and having your hair micropigmentation in Chicago will achieve the goal you’re looking for on your scalp.